Bernard Gray - Director


80's baby from the YYZ

After more than twelve years of working as a producer in the digital marketing industry, Bernard Gray now embarks on his long-held passion for directing. Having worked with brands like Nike, NBA, Roots, Lego, Samsung and BMW, Bernard is a proven and accomplished storyteller. Genuinely curious and fiercely inquisitive, comfort is no friend to him. His drive to persistently learn and establish new strengths fuels his willingness to step outside what is familiar and endeavour to do what is difficult.


Continued Learning

  • Screenwriting: Core Elements

    Sundance Institute (9 Weeks)

    Worked underworld renounced scriptwriters to develop the fundaments of screenwriting. A keen focus was placed on establishing the theme, developing and revealing the protagonist, antagonist and supporting characters, establishing conflict and obstacles, constructing the world and layering emotion and tone.

    September 3, 2021
  • Directing: Core Elements

    Sundance Institute (10 Weeks)

    Learned how to assemble a crew, work with actors, and translate work from script to screen.

    November 3, 2021
  • Directing Actors

    Sundance Institue (8 Weeks)

    Worked with accomplished directors to develop my vision to transform scripts into roadmaps from idea to final cut. Close detail was paid to scene analysis, creating a world for characters, the actor's process, effective communication with actors and the art of blocking a scene.

    November 29, 2021
  • Screenwriting: Crafting Your Short Film

    Sundance Institue (10 Weeks)

    Studied the outstanding works of classical and contemporary short film filmmakers. Particular interest was designated to learning the short film format, how to write scene action and dialogue, defining the creative voice and vision, and how to craft the structure of a short screenplay.

    January 15, 2022
  • Directing: Visual Storytelling, Sundance Institute

    Sundance Institute (8 Weeks)

    Learned how to tell a story visually with a unique creative voice from experienced directors as my guides.

    December 7, 2022

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