Uptown Saturday

Uptown Saturday

When an elderly woman is murdered in her own home. The neighbourhood tenants jump into action to safeguard the most vulnerable and solve the riddle of precisely what happened to their beloved Uptown matriarch.

0h 4min
September 16, 2023
  • This drama-thriller erupts into chaos when a blighted neighbourhood in the West end of Toronto, known as Uptown, is turned bottom-up after an elderly grandmother is murdered in her own home. The Uptown tenants, dispirited by the police, jump into action to safeguard the most vulnerable and defend the reputation of their beloved neighbourhood and its matriarch. Bog down by a plethora of street codes, distrust and a flawed sense of honour, the neighbourhood tenants jostle for position when suddenly the police arrive and open fire on a hooded young man. The Saturday afternoon continues to descend into a series of malfeasance as the police officers and neighbourhood tenants work against each other to pin the blame on one another.

  • Keywords
  • Genres
  • Release Date
    September 16, 2023
  • Languages
  • Countries
  • Taglines
    • The Uptown Way!
    • Filming Locations
      • Toronto, Ontario Canada
    • Runtime
      0 hour 4 minute
    • Sound Mix
    • Color
    • Camera
      • Arri Alexa Mini
    • Cinematographic Process
      • Digital
    • Adult Title
      This topic contains adult content.
    • Age Rating
    • Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
      • Alcohol & Smoking
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